The Development Authority of Jefferson County | P.O. Box 630 | 302 East Broad Street | Louisville, GA  30434 | (478) 625-8134


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Learn how your local leaders are serving you


The News and Farmer

Every day across this county there are dozens of men and women working diligently for you, for your neighbors, your kids, the people you call family and for people who may never meet. You may never understand why this local project gets funded or that one drops off a list of priorities. But you can know, and you should know.

In an effort to spotlight some of these agencies and how they serve the public good, the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce offers a series of luncheons where speakers provide information on topics that impact the lives of every citizen in the county. This year there will be eight community updates total.

“We have previously presented updates featuring Jefferson Hospital, Jefferson County Development Authority, municipality updates for Wrens, Louisville and Wadley, the county budget and Jefferson County Board of Education,” Amy Howard said this week. Howard is the president of the county’s Chamber of Commerce.

Future events will be on public safety, culture and recreation and the DOT Highway 1 expansion.

Howard said the Chamber focused on the community this year in order to highlight some foundational areas of the county.

Most of us, if not all, know of these agencies and departments; yet, many don’t know the day-to-day processes, operations and unique challenges that each faces.

“These Community Updates are designed to give us the opportunity to learn more about our community and gives us the opportunity to ask questions in a welcoming and inclusive environment,” Howard. “Public Safety is one of the areas in which we all have concerns, whether in our business or home. We can all stand to be more knowledgeable about what’s happening in our community. This particular update will allow us the opportunity to not only learn about the happenings within the JCSD but also updates to our E911 system and those are topics that affect us all.”

The Chamber tries to select a range of topics that impact the lives of area residents.

“Whether we live on the north end of the County, the south end or in the middle, we all are vested in this community. The topics presented affect us all,” she said.

Howard said Chamber members should feel free to contact her or a board member if they have suggestions for programming or events. She said the Chamber Board is an active group; and, she asks for their ideas and opinions regularly.

The upcoming luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 20, at The Dogwood Café at noon. The topic is public safety. The speakers are the county’s fire chief and EMA/911 director, Jim Anderson and the county’s sheriff, Gary Hutchins.

Anyone can attend the Community Updates. Just contact the Chamber at 478-625-8134 and let them know you plan to attend.

Upcoming events include:

• Sept. 7, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Chamber, First Friday Coffee;

• Sept. 14, the Chamber will have a Google workshop;

• Oct. 18, Community Update – culture and recreation;

• Sept. 30, the Chamber and the Jefferson County Historical Society – Tour in Louisville’s city cemetery;

• On Oct. 11, the Chamber is hosting Women in Business Luncheon;

• Nov. 1, DOT Community Update;

• Nov. 15, Chamber’s Annual Meeting;

• Dec. 7 – Legislative Breakfast.



Ogeechee Crossing Park camping sites are now open and available for your outdoor relaxation and enjoyment!  

Chamber takes a look back at 2021

Jefferson County’s Chamber of Commerce will enter 2022 in an uphill climb, but with a little momentum it did not feel a